New Support for Families Who Have a Loved One with a Substance Use Disorder

You may have seen the quote going around on social media – “Addiction is a family disease. One person may use, but the whole family suffers.” To someone who may not understand addiction, this quote may seem confusing. But to a family member that has been submerged in the chaos, trauma, and erratic behaviors, this quote rings so true.

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Recognizing from past experience how difficult it is to find help or resources to help a loved one and how much stigma surrounds the disease of addiction, Hope United has begun a faith-based support group for families who have a loved one with a substance use disorder, called Loving With Grace. We have heard so many heartbreaking stories of families searching the internet for any kind of help, not knowing where to turn in their own community, and frankly, possibly being too embarrassed or ashamed to admit that one of their family members is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

The Loving With Grace support group will offer hope to families and help them find some healing and an understanding of how important it is to take care of themselves so that they can better care for their loved one. If you have ever been on a plane, they recommend that you put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you attempt to help someone else. Being a family member that is watching a sibling, spouse, son, or daughter lose everything of importance to them can be suffocating. This support group will offer a judgment-free space to share, connect with others, find local resources, and learn how to find hope for yourself as well as your loved one.

The launch of the Loving With Grace support group was put on hold last year due to the worldwide pandemic, but the team leaders still met regularly to continue planning for the meetings. In the meantime, the team leaders have been offering one-on-one support to family members struggling. We are excited to announce that the first in-person meeting will begin on Thursday, April 8th at Compassion Church in Canton from 6:30 – 8:00pm. Meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. If you are a family member who has a loved one in active addiction or recovery, we invite you to attend this first meeting.

All of our team leaders have some kind of lived experience with substance use or mental health issues. Take a moment to meet our Loving With Grace team leaders:

Pam Paustenbach – Pam has worked in Stark County schools as a Guidance Counselor for 35 years. Through her work, she has seen countless families who have struggled to find help or hope for their loved one suffering from the disease of addiction. She also witnessed many grandparents raising grandchildren due to the parent’s substance use disorder. These experiences have driven her to want to help support families who have nowhere else to turn.

Charlotte Parry – Charlotte knows what families experience with a loved one in addiction as she lost her husband to an overdose. She said she had absolutely no one to help her or support her through all of the struggles they experienced. Charlotte wants to do anything she can do to help other families with the hopes that they never have to feel the pain of losing a loved one to addiction.

Teri Florek – Teri has 20+ years of first-hand experience with the disease of addiction as she has two sons and a daughter-in-law who are battling a substance use disorder and she felt helpless to help them. She experienced the ups and the very lows of this terrible disease. Teri feels that her life experience could help someone and she has a deep desire to help families in need of love, support, and resources.

Shelly Bornstein – Because of her own family’s struggles with desperately trying to help her son Tyler find help for his addiction and experiencing the stigma that is associated with addiction, Shelly wanted to begin a support group to come alongside these families who have felt the judgment and shame that comes along with a family member with a substance use disorder.


All of the team leaders have a different story, but we think that is what makes this a great group. The goal of the group is to build relationships and help families where they are at, showing they are cared about and not in this struggle alone.


  • The Mission of Loving With Grace is to provide support and hope with love and grace. The meetings will help family members understand the disease of addiction and how it affects the brain. They will learn how addiction is a disease and the brain is rewired from the use of substances, and it is not “just a choice”. The group will help families learn what other families are dealing with and what challenges they are facing. Sometimes the best advice can come from somebody who has walked in your shoes before you. They will help families learn what resources are available in the community. There are so many great resources available right here in the Tri-county area. And finally, the meetings will provide an opportunity to make connections and develop relationships with other families who are experiencing the same struggles.

If you are a family member who feels hopeless, helpless, or lost due to a loved one with a substance use disorder, we invite you to join us at our first meeting:


When: Thursday, April 8th

Time: 6:30-8:00pm

Where: Compassion Church

Address: 1920 Schneider Street NE Canton, Ohio 44721

Meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month in Canton. Everyone welcome – no registration required – come when you can!


If you have additional questions about our Loving With Grace support group, please reach out to Shelly Bornstein at 330-414-5960 or


Remember, you do not have to do this alone!