Fill Your Recovery Toolbox During This Time of Social Distancing

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The world we know has rapidly transformed in the past week.  I can’t help but think about all the individuals in recovery from addiction right now.  I am not in recovery myself, but I can only imagine how difficult the recovery journey can be even when a worldwide pandemic is not changing life as we know it.  It has been said that addiction is a disease of isolation, and we know that connection is critical for those in recovery because it provides needed support and the motivation to continue sobriety, so how can individuals maintain recovery during a time of social distancing and self-isolation?

Times such as these will call for people to become creative in their daily lives.  Individuals in recovery may need to find alternative ways to cope with stress and anxiety, not only with concerns of the Coronavirus, but in also dealing with life in general.

If you have concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), you can find resources and see recommendations on the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization.  I have much to learn and am not qualified to offer advice about the virus, but if you are interested in learning some ways to stay focused on the mind, body and spirit during this period of social distancing, please stick around.

If you are in recovery, or have a loved one in recovery, I am hoping these different “tools” can be put in your “Recovery Toolbox” to help during this time of uncertainty.  What is a Recovery Toolbox? Any “tool” (i.e.: resource or activity) an individual can use as a coping mechanism to shift their current state of mind during difficult situations that may jeopardize their sobriety. And in all honesty, I think anyone, regardless of whether they are in recovery or not, can benefit from using some of these tips and ideas. 

So below, you will find a list of ideas, services, apps, and resources I have assembled that will hopefully help you to continue your recovery during this time of social distancing. 

Thank you so much for reading my blog.  I hope you found something of interest to add to your “Recovery Toolbox”.  Whatever recovery tools you choose, make sure they promote a positive well-being and help you to reduce stress If you have additional ideas to add to someone’s “Recovery Toolbox”, please comment below.  I think we all learn best from each other and you may have tools that work great for you or your loved one that you want the world to know about!  Through these unprecedented times of social distancing, we may begin to feel isolated from the world, but together – and virtually – we can be HOPE UNITED!!